Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Josh Brolin Admits He's A Liar

...And I Still Think He's Sexy!

During Joshy's red-carpet interview with "Wonder Wall" for Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps premiere in New York, Josh talked "Goonies" sequel:

WW: Is it true that you and Shia are doing a sequel to "The Goonies"?
JB: Sure, of course. Steven Spielberg is going to direct it, and Aaron Sorkin is going to write it. Winona Ryder is going to play my daughter, and Meryl Streep will be my wife. Wouldn't that be great? No, I'm totally making that all up! There is absolutely no truth to that rumor. I figure you can do whatever you want. I can lie, and you write about it....

...if you can lie about that, can you lie about Marly too??

Whatever. Call Me!! Let's "lie" together...

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