Monday, September 13, 2010

Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt

I have a confession, for the past couple of weeks, I've been having a torrid affair-with donuts (primarily powdered, chocolate glazed, and chocolate covered)! It started off as just an innocent thought, but the thoughts have turned into into insatiable cravings. It's the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning.
I tried starting small, sneaking into Dunkin Donuts and buying one, then a week later I went back and bought 4 donut I've moved on to CVS' Hostess' Donettes special, "2/$4.00"
Granted I'm working out a lot more...but that excuse is gonna get old real fast! Yesterday I went through a whole bag....I used to be lucky if I remembered to eat in a day. 
I'm thinking I'm just gonna have to force feed myself until I never want to see a damn donut again.
"Get It Off!"

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