Friday, November 12, 2010

Let's Fry 'Em!

While nothing is quite like the beach, this added luxury is getting the prisoners one step closer! The disreputable jail has long been known for its harsh conditions and poor sanitation. A report earlier this year indicated that just under half of Russia’s total inmate population is sick with either HIV or tuberculosis due to outdated medical equipment.

But the recent death of jailed lawyer Sergel Magnitsky has sparked reform in the system. Magnitsky was allegedly held in custody illegally an refused medical treatment despite several requests. Breaking from the norm, Russian officials accepted partial blame for the lawyer’s death, and pledged to improve conditions in the notorious jail starting this year.
To the amazement of some, their first step was to order Butyrka prision to install tanning beds! Sunbeds for inmates should improve health if used correctly, but some think the devices are too much of a luxury. But that’s not all, officials say plans are in the line for mud bath spas to be set up, and prisoners will be allowed access to Skype to contact loved ones.
“We are developing additional medical services … and even sunbeds will be put in place,” said Butyrka’s head Sergei Telyatnikov.
While the move by Russian authorities will certainly deal with complaints of poor health conditions in the country’s jails, most think the knee jerk reaction has gone way too far the other way. With access to facilities that most of the country’s population would consider as “perks,” will the new additions really be worth the investment? What do you think of Russian officials ordering Butyrka prison to install tanning beds? Sunbeds for inmates may have some positive health benefits, but why not just provide much cheaper vitamin D supplements instead? Let me know what you think in the comment section after you check out pictures and video on the story below!

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